Nikki's Story

In the grand theatre of life, I once found myself unexpectedly thrust into a harrowing drama. Metaphorically, a family member placed me on trial, examining my character under a harsh spotlight. It was a deeply emotional experience, where doubts took root and grew relentlessly. Despite my attempts to dispel these doubts, my efforts were in vain; my actions, intentions, and words never seemed to meet an invisible standard. This trial reached a moment of profound irony when the same family member, consumed by accusations, accused me, driven by the doubt I unintentionally nurtured. A modern-day witch hunt unfolded, casting me as both the accused and the silenced, my name associated with pain and suffering. However, amidst this stark narrative, the truth became evident—I was innocent, persecuted not for my actions, but for the uncertainties haunting someone else's thoughts.


It was amid this tempest of accusation and misunderstanding that I stumbled upon a beacon of understanding—Mariya Nurislamova's discourse on the Witch Wound. Her words were a mirror reflecting the depth of my own soul, resonating with a clarity that pierced through years of accumulated confusion and pain. Intrigued and inspired, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, navigating the labyrinth of past life trauma work and energy healing. This exploration was transformative, shedding light on the inner child traumas and generational wounds that had silently shaped my existence. The Witch Wound, a concept that once seemed foreign, now illuminated the path to understanding why I had lived my life in a certain way, cloaked in the shadows of unfulfilled potential and silenced gifts for 36 years.


Embracing this newfound knowledge, I made a vow to dedicate my life to guiding others through their own mazes of trauma and self-doubt. My mission was clear: to transform survival into thriving, to replace the chains of fear with the wings of freedom. My own experiences with the Witch Wound had taught me the cost of concealing one’s true self—hiding my empathic and psychic gifts, shunning my spiritual curiosity, and harbouring a deep-seated distrust of communal female spaces. These scars were the silent testimonies of my journey, yet they also became the map that led me to healing and empowerment. By confronting and embracing my past, I have discovered the keys to unlocking a life of authenticity and purpose. My story isn't just one of overcoming; it's a reminder that within our deepest wounds lies the potential for our greatest gifts. By facing our shadows, we can uncover our light and guide others towards their own path of healing and fulfilment.


To be continued...